When you think of a lake, you might just think of a still mass of water, possibly laden with crocodiles and other unfriendly creatures but these lakes are so phenomenal. They're amazing for bathing, sightseeing, diving, playing or just to go to for a moment to appreciate the beauty of this world that we sometimes too often take for granted. DEAD SEA, ISRAEL Who ever thought the something called the Dead Sea could be so breathtakingly beautiful. The Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth , but the most remarkable thing about it is that it is impossible to sink when floating because the salt density is so high, almost ten times saltier than the ocean. The water is also believed to have healing properties for skin issues. However, due to this hypersalination , no fish can survive in the water which removes the fear of creatures touching my toes while I'm in the water. Ironically, people have drowned in the Dead Sea because they disobey the one rule of floating there, on...